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YouTube Channel Reflections-The Beginning(May 2006)

May 2006 is the month and year that I remember logging on to the Social Media platform of I was amazed at all of the online content of Music, education, entertainment, documetaries and etc. What struck out to me the most was the Church Content that I saw online.

No More Fear YouTube channel was the channel encouraged to join in on sharing God's word online to YouTube. Bishop George Floyd is the operator of that specific channel, I was introduced to a lot of preaching and gospel music from people that I didn't know anything about.

I was so inspired by this channel because it took me back to my childhood years when I would make copies and share messages of my childhood pastor from North Carolina.

After establishing communication with Bishop Floyd, he was very instrumental in offering advice to me in starting the uploading of sermons and songs from my collection library to

I also share with you all that being a Christian Content creator, I was introduced to a lot of history from the songs and sermons of those that I never knew about. Marcel West introduced me to the Detroit Gospel sound of the late Rev. Charles Nicks Jr & St. James Baptist Church Adult Choir. Anything Detroit gospel and sermon wise, it came from his channel.

I will say that I am thankful to God for the connections of connecting with other Content creators for the Lord's church like: Bishop George Floyd, Elder Jimmie Rodgers, Marcel West, Dwayne Lightsey, and Jonathan Desverney. We have decided to share God's word to the world because we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your time, BrothaRollins

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