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Dr. William E. Flippin Sr.

Atlanta, GA

The name Louis Rollins aka Brotha Rollins mean five star service. God has given this young man a keen insight to place sermon, song, and service that benefit a broad spectrum of the body of Christ. It is refreshing to meet and work with a lay person who loves the preacher and the preached word in such a way that he is almost obsessed to get the gospel message out of the church house and into the hedges and highways. Could Brotha Rollins be that prophetic word coming from our Saviors' lips, "greater works than these shall ye do." His broad and very wide influence around the church world is remarkable. For a very short time, I served as Brotha Rollins pastor. However, the bond is so great that I will continue to be his friend, brother, and mentor. To work with BrothaRollins is a complete joy and before you know it, he will force you to absorbed into the spreading of the gospel, serving this present age. The people of God are blessed the more because of the life and ministry of Louis Rollins.

Stephanie Quinn

 A true man of God who uses his gifts and endowments for the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is what I would say to describe Brotha Rollins. My fellow alumni not only uses his gifts but also subsist the life of a Godly man. It is rare that you will find a “young” man in broad-spectrum to have true passion for the gospel. I am reminded when there had been moments in my life when discouragement tried to assail my focus and purpose in life, I called upon Brotha Rollins just to bluster off some steam and while he was experiencing his own personal triumphs in life, he jogged my memory and I quote, “Trust in the Lord and he will direct your path”. His videos offer a multitude of anointed preaching and singing ranging from old school to contemporary worship. He attests through his ministry that young people do take pleasure in listening to the seasoned men and women of the gospel and that it is still alive. He also exemplifies that modern day worship is valid as long as Christ is involved. On behalf of myself and SQ Collections I endorse Videos 4 Christ and ask everyone to support and sow a seed into this ministry.Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Rev. Christopher Rainer

Nashville, Tennessee

"Peace and greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have been blessed to be a part of Brotha Rollins' video clientele' for the last year or so. And over the course of the last year, my preaching and teaching ministries have been exposed to a wider audience because of his expertise. I would encourage anyone who seeks to broaden their ministry base and reach an audience that supersedes your local congregation to consider Mr. Rollins' services. He offers top notch video production in addition to services that can and will fit any budget. Thanks BrothaRollins, for all you do for the Kingdom of God! God bless..."     

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Dr. Cory Jones

Burlington, New Jersey

I met Brotha Rollins a few years ago at a ministry event. Immediately, I felt a genuiness about him. His character as well as his drive for excellence are qualities that we don't see everyday in ministry. Although I was just meeting him on this occasion, I was very familiar with his work on YouTube. He has exposed the ministries of countless preachers throughout the nation. I realized very quickly that this was someone I wanted to work with. My decision has not been in vain. His work has been quality. He edits to achieve the most impactful experience for the listener. Numerous lives have been touched through this online ministry. I have received many calls and emails from people I have never met who were blessed because Brotha Rollins posted my sermons. I wholeheartedly recommend Brotha Rollins' service. You won't regret it!

Rev. Joseph T. Howard

Atlanta, Georgia

BrothaRollins work is definitely top notch and very well crafted. He's also very professional in his business as well as encouraging.  He's not only good at getting your Ministry out there, but he's also a good friend.  He checks on you, encourages you, and makes sure you're alright.  A lot of the impressive preachers you see on Youtube and elsewhere, are known as a result being shared by Brotha Rollins and his videos.  So I would strongly recommend him to anyone trying to get there ministry some publicity.  And the most important quality about him is that he is sold out to God and doing HIS business.  He's not self-focused or selfish and out to expand his own interests.  That's a rare but precious quality for any person to have, so for those and other reasons, I strongly recommend  "Brotha Rollins Videos 4 Christ.s this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Dennis Ross III

Atlanta, GA

Brotha Rollins understands the connection points of ministry and technology. He leverages today's media to best position the gospel message in word and in song. I will continue to hire him in the future.

Joshua K. Campbell

Washington D.C.

Understanding the importance and beauty of a calling is a Privilege. In the Gospel Ministry we have all been charged as Preachers via 2 Timothy Chapter 4 to go ye therefore and Preach the Word, but in preaching there are often Words that we desire to get to people outside the congregation that was ministered to. I have had the desire to expand the structure of my Ministry and in doing so, Brotha Rollins has Played an intricate role! He treated me not as a Client but as a Brother In Christ. I have had numerous ministry opportunities because of Brotha Rollins Ministry. And I wholeheartedly recommend that others utilize his awesome service for the sole purpose of Kingdom Building.

Pastor Andrew Berry II

Texas City, TX

Let me initiate my personal and public appreciation for the ministry of BrothaRollins, by saying his commendable and proficient services are in a class all by themselves. Brotha Rollins has an unambiguous enthusiasm for ministry, which can be seen through his unselfish support in promoting the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. His entrepreneurial approach, and centrality of focus has allowed him to use a website that was initially created to be a secular file sharing site, and transformed it into a worldwide cathedral, that has allowed both psalmists and preachers alike to demonstrate the gifts in which God has given to them. He has an irrefutable love for producing products that emanates with excellence and because of that people nationwide have benefited by being allowed to speak to an inestimable audiences. I myself have had the pleasure to have Brotha Rollins post my testimony, and am obliged to him for that. I pray God’s continuous blessings on Videos 4 Christ, and that he would grant him even more favor as he continues to broadcast the message of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ!

Rev. Reginald W. Sharpe, Jr.

Chicago, Illinois

There is an age old quote that says, “Every job is a self portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.” This adage captures the essence of the work by Brotha Rollins. He has been a brother indeed. When I first met Brotha Rollins he had many great visions as to how he could spread God’s word through various forms of media. I must admit, I was very apprehensive about certain ideas, even many YOUTUBE clips. However, everything that Brotha Rollins hands touched in his media ministry caused so many blessings in my life. Because of Brotha Rollin’s visions, I have received calls from England, Bahamas, California, and even New York. He is a young man of God who works faithfully, serves humbly, and lives joyfully knowing that he can make a difference in many lives through the power of God’s word and works. I trust Brotha Rollins because he has a great heart and does everything first-class and first-rate. Every job he does is autographed with excellence. 

Rev. Kelvin Anthony

Birmingham. AL

As I reflect upon the growth and development of Brotha Rollins Channel, I can simply say that God truly has his hands on this ministry. The unique thing that I learned that God has a ton of alternatives for delivering the word and saving souls. It is through this ministry that we can see lives changed, Pastors and Ministers are being connected to Preach the Gospel throughout the world like the Great Commission says. I thank God that he used Brother Rollins to come up with a powerful ministry tool, the spirit of time and excellence that is used to make sure that the Gospel gets out.

Bishop Charles Bond Jr.

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church- Kansas City, Kansas

My friends I am always amazed at how trusting the Holy Spirit never fails......It was burdening me constantly to contact Brother Rollins after being a fan of his work through YouTube and other media outlets and also after hearing his name being called in so many faith filled circles as i would travel around the nation ....and one night i took a leap of faith and contacted this brother and i will never regret that phone call. Brotha Rollins has proven to be just that.....a brother....his work is bar none...his integrity is off the meter....and his professionalism is impeccable do yourself and the kingdom and your ministry a favor by reaching out to Brother Rollins.


The Bible is repleat with examples of who you are connected to could literally make or muzzle....or build up or break down where you are destined to attaching yourself and entrusting your video and editing needs with Brother Rollins means one thing and that is  your life and your video ministry is already on the next level just for who he is to the kingdom.My name is Bishop Charles Bond Jr and I approve this message and i personally endorse and support Brother Rollins and Videos for Christ .....Love ya to Life....stay encouraged 

Sharrie Jackson Douglas

Wow! Where must I began? Let me start off by saying that you're awesome, Brotha Rollins. I thank God for you as a Brother-in-Christ because your work for the Lord has blessed my life on a many day. Your dedication to the Ministry and as a Servant of God is a reflection of good discipleship and your labor speaks for itself. You've exercised your ability as a Vessel to be of good works, and your dedication to work for the Lord is an emblem of sacrifice for His names sake. I just want to say thank you, Brother. Thank you because your work has placed a smile on my face and put joy in my heart a many day, and it simply because of your dedication and because you've allowed yourself to be used by God and His Son-Jesus Christ. I've been a Fan for many years, and I plan on being a Fan for a lifetime. May God continue to bless you, and may the blessings that God has for your life be received according to the Seasons that God has placed before your feet. 

Min. Dontez Bosley

Fort Wayne, Indiana

1 Corinthians 15:58


“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” is what comes to mind when I think of this brother and his ministry. He is a living exemplification of that scripture. It takes having a good relationship with God and understanding his word to put the time and effort Brotha Rollins do with his craft concerning the kingdom. I understand most people think his ministry is only for a preacher, a ministry, or either someone who needs exposure; however, his ministry is just as much of a benefit to a person who needs and is seeking to hear some good preaching and singing throughout the week! I know I’m not speaking just for me when I say it’s been many times where having the capacity to access Brotha Rollins video ministry was the only thing that helped get me through the week! So I personally want to say to you, stay in the race and keep being a blessing to the kingdom because Im a firm believer that greater is your reward in heaven!

Rev. Jennifer Carner

Decatur, Georgia

The Ministry of BrothaRollins Impact on J. Carner Ministries


I have always said that in life there are only plus and minus people. Louis Rollins II is most definitely a positive person who is a change agent in a community of both powerful and powerless preaching. J. Carner Ministries seeks to heal the nations through thought-provoking, theological, biblically sound, and transformative preaching and teaching. In the summer of 2008, Brother Rollins decided to post two clips of a sermon I preached, entitled “Hell Date.” I had no idea what would happen over the next few months and even years. Two years later, I can say that Bro. Rollins helped expose the ministry God placed in me to the world. His positive spirit and desire to share the word with the world had helped my ministry grow and the message of Christ has been promulgated to places that perhaps my feet may never travel. Brother Rollins’ ministry continues to bless the lives of preachers and teachers across this country and abroad. His ministry embodies the words of scripture in Matthew 28:19 KJV when we are compelled to go and teach all nations.

Dr. Paul Booth

Cincinnati, OH

There is no one that has a better grasp on integrating ministry and media than Brotha Rollins. As the church continues to minister in the age of social media it is critical that as messengers of the cross we have at our access such a valuable resource to the Body of Christ. I will continue to consult with Brotha Rollins for all my future media needs. 

Pastor Jarvis A. Ellis

Miwaukee, WI

Greetings In The Matchless Name of Jesus Christ! Well let me first start off by saying that before I was a client of Videos 4 Christ, I was a huge admirer of the work that Bro. Rollins has done within the Body of Christ! Bro. Rollins is truly a gift from God and I can truly testify to the fact that God has open many doors and God is still opening doors through the means of technology and the skillful hands of Bro. Louis Rollins II.  Thank you Bro. Rollins for all that do for the Body of Christ! May God continue to smile upon you and open doors through the ministry that God has so richly blessed you with…

Faye Sharpe

I am known as Momma Fay or better known as Fay Sharpe the mother of Minister Reginald Sharpe. I would like to testify that if it had not been for BrothaRollins, my son ministry would not be where it is today!  Because of Brotha Rollins work,  Minister Sharpe has reached people globally with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Brotha Rollins is a true servant of God and he has done everything for us out of the  goodness of his heart.  We could never repay him for what he has done for us - just because he loves the Lord and he loves his little brother in Christ - Minister Reginald Sharpe, Jr.  Minister Sharpe loves and appreciates BrothaRollins! One of Gods Greatest!!!!

Momma Fay Sharpe!

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